Husband Changed His Mind About Starting a Family, Now I’m Torn

From: Summary: A woman shares her emotional turmoil after her husband revealed that he no longer wants to have a child with her, despite previously being on the same page about starting a family. They have been married for a year, and he has two children from a previous marriage whom he sees every other weekend. His change of heart has left her devastated, and he insists that he is firm in his decision, offering no deeper reason other than that he has simply changed his mind. Now, she faces the painful decision of either staying with him and possibly growing resentful for not experiencing motherhood of her own or leaving in hopes of finding someone to start a family with, all while facing the potential challenge of conception later on. She also loves her stepchildren but struggles with feeling disconnected from the biological aspects of parenthood, as she didn’t experience the early stages of raising them. She feels stuck and is seeking advice, suggestions, or support from others. What would you do in her situation?
