AITA for Letting My Sister Stay in the Guesthouse Without Asking My Girlfriend?

Based on: Summary: Jeff (28M) has a complicated relationship with his younger sister, Julia (27F), who has had a turbulent life filled with unstable jobs, friends, and housing situations. Julia has never admitted to having any mental health problems, but Jeff suspects there might be some underlying issues. As her only family, he’s always been there for her, providing a place to stay in his guesthouse whenever she needs it, despite her constant troubles with landlords and coworkers. However, Jeff’s girlfriend, Lenna (26F), isn’t thrilled with this arrangement, especially now that Julia’s back in the guesthouse after losing her job again. Lenna feels disrespected because Jeff didn’t ask her opinion before letting his sister move back in, even though Jeff insists he told her about this potential situation when they first got together. Now Jeff is wondering if he’s in the wrong for not involving Lenna in the decision. AITA? What do you think?
